Weava Product Updates

Product Update: New feature “Read later” – Web App 1.55.10 & Chrome Extension 2.0.22

Weava has always been dedicated to enhancing your research and productivity experience, and today, we’re thrilled to introduce a powerful new feature exclusively for our Weava Premium users – Read Later.

What is Read Later?

Read Later is your ultimate content saving and organization tool. With Read Later, you can effortlessly save websites and PDFs for future reference – without the need to highlight anything! It’s the perfect solution for when you stumble upon valuable content that you want to revisit later.

How does it work?

Simply trigger Read Later on a webpage, and the entire page, along with its PDFs, is instantly saved for your future perusal. No need to painstakingly select and highlight specific text – we’ve streamlined the process for you. Once saved, you can easily organize these items into folders that cater to your unique needs. It’s an efficient way to build your personalized digital library.

Why choose Weava Premium? 

Read Later is exclusively available to our Weava Premium users. By subscribing to Weava Premium, you unlock a wealth of advanced features and capabilities, including this game-changing Read Later functionality. Weava Premium is designed to supercharge your research, making it more efficient and productive than ever before.

Don’t miss out on this incredible feature – upgrade to Weava Premium today and elevate your research and content management to a whole new level. Your research deserves the best, and that’s precisely what Weava Premium offers.

Product Update: PDF Viewer & Other Fixes — Web App 1.53.24 & Chrome Extension 1.50.19

As previously communicated, we will going forward issue with more frequent product update notices of our development work here on our website. There have already been many hot fix releases since our major product update two weeks ago. This is also another smaller update related to this.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the PDF viewer in the web application where users were not able to automatically navigate to a respective highlight when clicking it in the sidebar.
  • Fixed related backend communication and performance issues.
  • Fixed an issue with connection delay between Stripe and Weava’s Chrome extension making some users not see their premium subscription status reflected immediately on the Chrome extension.
PS! There will be more enhancements and bug fixes in the next few days and weeks.

Product Update: — New Chrome Extension 1.50 | Sep 20, 2022

For a long time our development team has worked hard to rebuild our Weava Chrome extension, which has now been released.

Due to technical debt and changing technologies, Weava has had to undergo considerable redevelopment to make the tool future-proof and with the right foundation to build additional improvements for you in the future. This has essentially meant that we have had to rebuild the software from scratch. 

Finally, we have now released this re-developed version of Weava that will help us usher into the future with improved and additional features on the horizon for you and our 700,000+ users.

However, considering the scale of our update, and the amount of users Weava has, the newly released version has included some interruptions and performance-related issues, of which we humbly apologize for the inconvenience caused. The team is currently working tirelessly to have all these issues resolved as quickly as possible.

 With our new foundation, Weava will finally be able to issue more frequent product updates and improvements to the software. And there will therefore also be more frequent updates here from the team of our work and plans, as well as more interactions with our users on our Feature Request Portal in the time ahead.

We humbly apologize again for the inconvenience caused. But please rest assured that these current issues are a result of our hard work and aspiration in making Weava better for you, not that we are neglecting the software. 

Should you currently face issues with Weava, please take note of the following troubleshooting tips, and if your issues persist, contact our support.

Weava Team

Product Update: Notifications, Browser Notifications & Minor Fixes — Web App 1.52 & Chrome Extension 1.33

While we are still largely focusing on numerous large and fairly complex back-end matters related to our back-end (APIs, server and database related), we have been able to dedicate some time to introduce an exciting new feature and various smaller improvements.

New feature – notifications:

We have now released the first iteration of our enhanced notification feature! (Please see screenshot explanations towards the end of this article).

Shortly put, beyond the existing folder invitation notification, we will now be able to issue product updates and other notifications to you. And, you can now enable browser notifications for Weava. So no more missing out on shared folder invitations sent to you.

Some of you may be thinking “Yay… Notifications…” but to Weava this is a pretty big deal for several reasons. While there is still room for improvement of the feature itself, this will really enable us to easier share product updates and other relevant information with you going forward. We realize that we do not always do a good job of providing you with updates and showing the progress of our work. So, hopefully, this will enable those of you who want to stay better tuned to our product update releases, special offerings and more. And don’t worry, we will certainly not spam you with notifications, and will only share occasional offers and product updates.

And as mentioned, we have not only introduced an in-app notification feature but also created browser API notifications – so that you can see Weava notifications wherever you are on the web. And of course, we have given you the option to enable/disable such browser notifications, which you can change in your account settings. So, if you do not want to receive browser notifications, simply disable the feature. However, we know that many of you have been keen to see this feature built so that you can easier notice and access folder invitations from your friends and colleagues, so we’re excited to have it ready for you!

Weava Browser Notifications Settings Prompt
The first time you start Weava after the update, you will be prompted to allow browser notifications. If you change your mind, you can later enable/disable this in your account settings.
Weava Browser Notification Pop-Up
The Weava browser notifications will look like this in your browser with brief details about what the notification is about (such as folder invitation notification with info of who has invited you and to what folder, and brief headlines of any new product updates).
Account Details Menu Option
To enable/disable Weava browser notifications, navigate to your “Account Details” on the Weava dashboard.
Account Details Notification Settings
On the “Account Details” page, you may enable/disable browser notifications by toggling the option on/off.
Weava App Dashboard Notifications
The in-app notifications can be accessed on the Weava dashboard. By clicking the notifications you will be taken to the specific destination. For example, by clicking a folder invitation (marked by the folder icon) you will be taken to the folder invite. And for Weava updates (marked by the “W” icon), you will be taken to the respective blog post (like this one) that gives more information and details about the product update.

A quick note regarding the future of Weava notifications: As many software offer, we aspire for you to be able to receive notifications of related actions that occur on your account, such as certain actions or comments on shared folders etc. While we do not have such ready yet, we hope to have this and more released in the future. And, as a final side note, if you can think of any other suggestion for how we can improve our notification feature, please do not hesitate to submit a feature request on our feature request portal.

Other improvements:

  • Introduced various referral feature improvements. We simply want to make it easier and more rewarding to share Weava with your friends. You can read more about referral here, and we will share more about this next week.
  • Enhanced font and style in various places on the web application.
  • Removed the ‘Skip this step’ feature in the Weava signup process that enabled users to create a temporary account to test Weava. Now, users will need to sign up to use Weava.
  • Minor tweaks to our onboarding emails.
  • Minor improvements introduced to the User Registration Questionnaire that users see when they first register with Weava.
  • Minor tweaks to our Chrome extension sidebar promotion image for free subscription user – which will now show instantly instead of after 5 days.
  • While not a technical update, we have created an offer for charities around the world. If you know of a worthy charity that you think could benefit from Weava, why not tell them about it? Read more about Weava for Nonprofits here.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where when a user would edit highlight colors on the web application, there would appear an invisible layer (even after closing the pop-up) which would block parts of the clickable elements on the folder sidebar.
  • Fixed an issue with the highlighter color pop-up not closing properly for some users.

Product Update: Basic Language Support & Minor Fixes — Web App 1.51.8 & Chrome Extension 1.32.21

We are still largely working on our bigger back-end projects related to upgrading our Chrome extension (WCE) code, breaking more of our “monolithic” code structure into microservices and preparing for a database shift from Firebase (which is costing us a lot of money at the moment). However, we have found some time to attend to some smaller improvements that we deployed to our users.


  • We have added Chrome store descriptions of Weava in several new languages, including Arabic, German, French, Korean, Chinese, Russian and Portuguese. Before, we only had Spanish and English. However, please note that these translations are only currently for the Chrome store listing itself, and not translations for the software. However, in the future, we aspire to be able to offer more languages on our software as well.

Bug fixes

  • We have changed our Google Firebase emailer to use our root domain (weavatools.com) instead of verify.weavatools.com which will help avoid certain bugs that some users were experiencing when trying to reset passwords.
  • During this period, we also rolled out a new version of our web app with new internal API keys for enhanced security purposes.

Product Update: User Storage, Design Improvements and Bug Fixes — Web App 1.51.7 & Chrome Extension 1.32.20

While we are still working on numerous large and fairly complex back-end matters related to APIs, our servers and more in order to ensure we have the best foundation to build new features upon, we have once again squeezed in some time to fix some bugs and introduce some front- and back-end enhancements to our users:

New features:

Overall we have made numerous updates and improvements to the storage limit functionality which was soft-launched in our previous update. 

  • Implemented function for limiting PDF uploads for free users, and fixed a bug where uploading PDF through drag and drop did not update storage.
  • Storage now updating after uploading PDF (initially this was only set to update on a daily basis).
  • Other improvements made to the computation and rendering of the storage limit.


  • Implemented new design for “Upgrade to Premium” in Chrome extension sidebar.
  • Updated Facebook authentications and revised Facebook permissions.
  • Created a refresh feature for the card details to render properly on the account details pop-up.
  • Implemented new design for “You have discovered a Premium feature” pop-up.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that arose from the previous update where users could no longer add a new folder on the Weava dashboard.
  • Updated “back” buttons on “Invoices” and on “Update Payment Details” pages to go to the new account details page.
  • Fixed issue where “Upgrade to Premium” due to almost full storage was overriding account details settings dialogue.
  • Fixed a bug where a new user who signed up via email encountered a “loading forever” on the account details pop-up.
  • Fixed a bug where clicking “Open In Weava Dashboard” button on the invitation email took users to our website, instead of the dashboard.
  • Fixed a bug where if the user clicked on the notification icon (bell icon), the “Invitation to Collaborate” pop up would load continuously.
  • Fixed a bug where folder items were not properly displayed when the window size was not maximized.
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